Research and Education
ENASA is invested in highlighting the consequence of disease related malnutrition (DRM) on clinical outcomes and healthcare resource use. SA has a unique situation as its population has a quadruple burden of disease and there is limited data available on the incidence of DRM.
As research is costly, ENASA has joined forces with SASPEN and embarked on a project to start funding research on the incidence of malnutrition in Africa as well as the use of enteral nutrition.
Dietitians week is an initiative started by the British Dietetic Association (BDA) to highlight the role of Dietitians in the hospital and community. This week usually takes place in June. ENASA, SASPEN, HDIG and ADSA have be involved in Dietitians week since 2016. Each year there is a different theme.
More information can be found here
ENASA funds various research in the field on malnutrition and enteral nutriton.

Determining adequacy of nutrition support in a tertiary hospital

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Prof Renèe Blaauw

Addressing Malnutrition in Hospitalised Adults: a (South) African Perspective
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Janicke Visser
Prevalence and Impact of Hospital Malnutrition on Associated Outcomes (Tygerberg Hospital)

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Prof Renèe Blaauw
ENASA member companies participate in various congress both locally and internationally. These can be found on the Facebook page.